Religious sites and mosques in the holy city of Karbala

Mosque Al Shalath  

Was Al Shalath   mosque called an old mosque (the mainland) and collector (Abdaqays) and Mosque (built fingernail) is located in the northwest of the Kufa Mosque and away about (2 km) almost in the center of the mosque several shrines (the shrine of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS), the shrine of the Prophet Idris ( AS) shrine of Imam Zainal Abidin (AS) and the shrine of Imam Muhammad bin Hasan al-Askari expected (pbuh)) Muslims come to pray and pray in this place.

 The shrine of Mr. Ibrahim   ibn al-Hasan Muthanna bin Imam Ali (peace be upon him).

It is located in Kinda neighborhood near the main street (Najaf-Kufa) and is topped with a blue dome of the shrine and is visited by Muslims.

 Nabi Yunus (peace be upon him).

On the banks of the River Kufa brown red mosque, a Muslim's treasure house at the time of Imam Ali (AS) in memory of the shrine of the Prophet Yunus (AS), where he delivered the whale in this place and stayed until he flew to the city of Mosul, until his death, and built a large tomb there became this place and collector red shrine pray where scientists and visited by all Muslims.

 Religious sites and mosques in the holy city of Karbala 

The shrine of Imam Hussein bin Ali (peace be upon him)

Shrine Sharif is located central city of Karbala of the Two Holy Mosques, the center, Imam Husayn Shrine distinguished from the rest of the holy sites and the capacity Sahnha and the many beautiful Awaoanha ornate of saucer 1500 m2, and the dish ten doors decorated Eashi Karbalai attractive and these doors local labels to denote them: the door of the kiss, the door of the judge needs, the door on the larger, dignity door, the door of the Nazarene, the door of the Sultan, Zainabieh door, the door of the head of Al-Hussein (AS), Bab al-Dura, Bab al-Hussein (AS

Kufa mosque, Daralamarh Daralamam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) and Khadija girl tomb of Imam Ali (peace be upon her)

Khadija girl tomb of Imam Ali (peace be upon her)

This tomb is located opposite the mosque of Kufa and said to be in the time of Imam Ali (AS) Khadija died as a little girl buried in this place and built a dome and a fence in the garden (1362 --1 942 m).

Daralamarh Daralamam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS)

It is outside the Imam Ali mosque in Kufa came down the (p) days in succession (36 e) and after his death (p) wash in this house and still remains to this day after undergoing renovations by several.

 Kufa mosque

First founded and built is the prophet of God, Adam (AS) and located the mosque in Kufa and thrives mosque several corridors and shrines of prophets and saints, including the platform of Imam Ali (AS) and the chapel, who was martyred in which he prayed the morning prayer and called the place where he prayed the shrine of Imam Ali (AS ) currently

Shrine Hani bin Urwah Moradi Almzhadji, Shrine Mokhtarnameh and Shrine Sahaabi Maitham Tamar

Shrine Hani bin Urwah Moradi Almzhadji

Markadouhou is located next to the mosque of Kufa and compared to the shrine of Muslim bin Aqeel (AS) was martyred in Kufa year (60 e) kill Abdullah ibn Ziyad Umayyad army commander.

 Shrine Mokhtarnameh

It Mukhtar bin Obeida Althagafi the revolution in Kufa and took revenge Hussein (AS) with the people who killed him and his grave in Kufa mosque next to the shrine of Muslim bin Aqeel (AS) and Supplement to the mosque of Kufa

Shrine Sahaabi Maitham Tamar (peace be upon him)

Is Maytham bin Yahya al-Tamar sire Bani Asad, a Fadel world one Imam Ali holders (p) and was martyred in Kufa year (60 e) kill Abdullah ibn Ziyad his shrine is located near the west Kufa mosque adjacent public street Street (Kufa-Najaf) and visited by all Muslims from around the world

Zine El Abidine Maqam, Alhanana mosque and The shrine of Muslim bin Aqeel bin Abi Talib

Zine El Abidine Maqam(peace be upon him)

     Is Ali bin Hussein bin Imam Ali (AS), nicknamed (Zine El Abidine) is located next to this place Sahaabi (net description) and against the Imam Ali Mosque honest and visited her place to this day.

 Alhanana mosque

          Is the place of a situation in which the head of Al-Hussein (AS) with his family during the Hussein family convoy (p) after his martyrdom in Karbala in (61 e) and passing in Kufa and this place became a mosque for prayer and worship currently CNRS.

The shrine of Muslim bin Aqeel bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him)

           And is resting next to the mosque of Kufa, topped with a golden dome and visited by all Muslims from around the world, the first martyr sent Imam Hussein (AS) to Kufa after they asked him to please come to them martyred in Kufa year (61 e) through the well-known battle historically with the Umayyads

Camille shrine ibn Ziyad Alennkiei

 Camille shrine ibn Ziyad Alennkiei

It is located in an area Markadouhou (Atawaih) means high hill and be in the direction of Kufa and Najaf are now called (Camille) and CNRS Markadouhou to this day

The shrine of the prophets Hood and Saleh Iraq

Prophet Hud (AS) and Prophet Saleh (AS) Mrkdhma in the valley of third parties (Valley of Peace) and is currently the cemetery of Najaf and two on the campus of one located Mrkdhma near the wall of Najaf, north-east of the shrine of Imam Ali (AS) and CNRS Mrkdhma by all Muslims from various parts of the Muslim world

Religious sites in the province of Najaf, Imam Ali Mosque Iraq

Imam Ali Mosque or the shrine of Imam Ali (AS) Oouhdharh Ali, a religious shrine is located in the city of Najaf, where the tomb of Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) was the first Alaúmaalatna ten peace be upon them, followed by the Imam Ali Mosque library, which includes many of the treasures, ancient manuscripts.
When the martyrdom of Imam Ali (AS) in 40 AH buried next to the Prophet Adam and Noah (peace be upon them) and then become a source of Science cultural, religious and radiation to all Arab and Islamic countries as this sacred spot has seen during its long history and the facts of the upswing after that which was discovered buried Imam Ali (AS) and this kindergarten became Alhaidariya surmounted by a golden dome as befitting the status of this place Tahir and Alan dome became sends satisfaction in the hearts of Muslims all over the world when they visit the shrine of Imam Ali (AS)

religious tourism iraq
religious tourism iraq
religious tourism in iraq

The shrine of Sheikh Omar ensure Pink Iraq

Located in the neighborhood of Sheikh Omar door alwastany shaded area and the shrine of Sheikh Zahid Shahabuddin Umar ensure Pink famous mystic who died in 1225 the world of cone-shaped dome, a dome similar to Ms. Emerald Khatun is a mosque which houses the shrine of the oldest mosques in the city of Baghdad

Dome Emerald Khatun Iraq

Located on the western side of Baghdad, Sheikh known area topped with a dome towering based on eight ribs and Mrs. (Emerald Khatun) is the Caliph Almstadhae wife order of God was built to bury it in the reign of Caliph al-Nasser, son of the religion of God and was built years

(599 Hjeri- 1202) and this is called the grave mistake by the General Tomb six Zubaydah, wife of the Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid

Mosque of the Caliphs Iraq

   Located in the middle of the Caliphs Street Shorja area you can see the newly inclusive adorned with antique lighthouse is part of the House of succession mosque or the palace mosque has been built mosque mentioned at the hands of the Abbasid Caliph Muktafi Billah year (289-295 AH / 902-908m) The pillar on which the lighthouse return for the year (678 AH / 1289 AD) is the oldest that there minarets built by the Iraqi architect year (479 AH / 1086 AD and 670 AH) minaret rises to 33 m above the ground either base are twelve ribs surroundings 20.64 m

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Gailani Mosque Iraq

        It features the shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani and is located in the district known today Bab el-Sheikh and was called the old Bmahlh door ring and this shrine was originally a school built by the Hanbali Abu Saeed Al-Mubarak bin Ali Almkzumi then renewed and expanded after him disciple of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani, who resided lesson rings and observed i'tikaaf where Even 561 years Hjeri- 1165 m) and then buried built the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent dome towering above his grave and wide right by many facilities

Buratha Mosque Iraq

Buratha mean old Syriac (son of wonders), and was told (the house of Mary) or (the land of Jesus) and the collector Buratha of holy sites and shrines binoculars when both Christians and Muslims alike, and is one of the oldest mosques in Baghdad in the history of Islam even before the founding of the Abbasid capital of a century, and eight years In the novel that Buratha was a monastery of the monasteries of the Christians which I'tikaaf monk named squid has the safest and moved with Imam Imam Ali (peace be upon him) to the Islamic caliphate (Kufa) and turned the monastery into a mosque under known as the Mosque of Buratha was when Imam passage (peace be upon him) this place in 37 AH and residence where four days and that upon his return from the fact the river and along with his two sons Al_husnan (peace be upon them) and about a hundred thousand men of his companions were pulled his hand blessed into the rock black deaf Venba of place water Aqrah tastier than butter and sweeter than Shahd impossible later to Beer and people still to this day see signs it and the rock itself by taking water from the well and pour it in a click found on the face of that rock like a vase and then the room and watering patients and children who delayed Ntgahm Vishvon and dissolve their tongues contract if they drank from the shrine pond water that rock and dignity Qaalaa and the will of God Almighty, I have several people try it themselves and the results were more than wonderful and amazing as the child who was barely utter a word speaks fluent intense and intelligent bunch and also became excessive

Mosque Imam Abu Hanifa Iraq

The mosque is located in the district of Adhamiya at the tomb of Imam Abu Hanifa (Nu'man ibn Thabit Kufi owner of the Hanafi school) who was buried in the tombs of bamboo in (105 Hjeri- 767 m) and then set up around the shrine, a small town known Bmahlh Adhamiya and new construction honor King Abu Saeed al-Khwarizmi in the Seljuk period year old
(459 AH --1 066 m) and built by a large dome known as a scene of Abu Hanifa, and also built a school next to the faucet and then hit this building demolition and change over and new architecture Ottoman sultans and governors

Kindergarten Kazimiyah Iraq

      One of the famous shrines in Baghdad and is located in the position of graves (Quraysh) and includes shrines of Imams Musa al-Kadhim (AS) who was buried in 802 AD, and Muhammad al-Jawad (AS). The shrine was built around the mosque and widely Parties and topped with two domes and Alan four lighthouses plated has been established that in 1515 the mosque

Italian Centre - formerly the Shanghai World Expo China

2010 Shanghai World Expo Italian Pavilion successfully show the world the Italian culture and Italian life, more than 730 million Chinese tourists achievements it became one of the most popular pavilions at the time. After the Italian Pavilion at Expo magnificent turn as the "Shanghai Italian Center", so that people no country can enjoy the essence of Italian Renaissance art - Michelangelo's statue of David; enjoy fashion classic Ferrari luxury car - China only Ferrari museum; experience the essence of authentic Italian design - Milan Triennale; and temporary exhibitions of various types of high-end fashion brands in Italy organized. 
Shanghai Italian Center in order to allow the audience to experience authentic Italian style, the introduction of the world-famous genius masterpiece replica bronze statue of David by Michelangelo and the Renaissance Theater Olympic representative building models, representing the pinnacle of the Italian Renaissance for. David is like behind by hundreds of fabrics and yarn woven "ITALY" huge tapestry. In the Atrium Plaza, Fiore giant dome and vertical wall with a large bookcase band pavilions, the bookcase in the first phase of the exhibition displays a wide variety of chairs for Italian design, is used to display the various raw materials produced contemporary designs.
Ferrari outside the home only museum also settled here, designed to showcase the Ferrari cars of various models to the public, whether it is a sports car, road bike or limited edition models, each a "Ferrari" is unique fine art. The exhibition consists of four parts, namely, people show Ferrari, Ferrari products, F1 racer and Ferrari hometown.
In order to keep the center of Shanghai Italy show content freshness, we once again invite the Milan Triennale museum and cultural institutions in Italy a new layer of public exhibition space curated design. "Original · Creative Living - material essence " of the exhibition allows visitors to appreciate the creativity of Italian production making the relationship feel materials, advanced technologies and aesthetic among. This perfect combination of the three is reflected in Italy from art, science, design to daily necessities and other industries were. The exhibition will show a "shine Wood", "Magic of the material," "mysterious stone", "creative source" four exhibition halls to show us the wood, synthetic material and stone three materials through special technology and how long cultural refinement ,eventually became art and everyday items. Let us approached the Italian enjoy Italian houses, public activities and natural beauty as well as inextricably linked with fashion, design, art and architecture culture.
Italian high-end brands Foundation (Altagamma) and its member companies will reincarnation themed exhibition on the second floor.

Super Mountain Scenic Area Shanghai China

Super Mountain Scenic Area Hangzhou - China Gwanmae first mountain
Super Mountain Scenic Area is within the scope of the main city of Hangzhou, the only provincial-level scenic spots, national 4A level scenic spots, the first of the three southern resort of plum, known as "China Gwanmae first mountain." Ultra Hill area has a long history, rich cultural heritage, You Qimei culture, stone culture and religion is the area's largest cultural characteristics. Super mountain plum, from the Western Jin Dynasty, flourished in the Tang and Song dynasties, the peak in the Qing China. "Ancient, wide, wonderful" Ruin and famous, there are "ten Plum Hornsey sea" reputation. China has five Goume, ultra Mountain secondly - "Tang Mei Mei and Song." Super six unique mountain plum, plum proudly in the world five.Modern Art while we Changshuo nostalgic ultra mountain plum, after disappearing send this bone; In recent years, another art we Tianshou also shift buried here.Super mountain plum aloof of its character and strength of character aloof, and family dynasties generous soul handover. 
Shanghai Departure
1, the Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed → (Yuhang) Highway 09 turn → Super Mountain Scenic Area
2,320 State Road → (tangqi, Mogan direction) → Super Highway 09 Mountain Scenic Area
3. Hang Pu-speed → (Yuhang) Highway 09 turn → Super Mountain Scenic Area
Super Mountain Address: Town, Yuhang District tangqi super Mountain Scenic Area
Tel:  0571 86311228   Fax: 0571-86311688

Sina microblogging: Super Mountain official microblogging
Tencent microblogging  @ Super Mountain

Opening hours: 8:30 16:30

Shanghai urban garden China

Shanghai urban garden is funded by Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd. to build the leisure area, covers an area of 5000 acres, located in Fengxian District of Shanghai Bay town Hangzhou Bay, adjacent to the Bay Resort, is a set of tourism, business holiday , science education, leisure and health care in one of modern agricultural tourism attractions, is a national AAAA level scenic spots, national leisure agriculture and rural tourism star park, national agricultural tourism demonstration sites, Shanghai and Shanghai venues science thematic tourism brands.
Scenic Hours: Open year-round am 8:30 pm - 17:00 16:00 stop ticketing)
Scenic Tel: 021 37571111
Scenic Address: Zhenhai Bay Rd Fengxian District, Shanghai 888 No.
Getting There:
From the metro line eight (Aerospace Museum Station), turn on the green car Hainan Airlines, to (Spark farm station) and walk about 50 meters to the transfer point (Gulf Gulf Station on the train line), to the (urban garden stop).
Line 1:
Lupu Bridge - Pu Star Highway - Minle Road - Hoi Hing.
Line two:
S4 G1501 - Pu Star Highway - Minle Road - Hoi Hing.

Fengjing town Shanghai China

Fengjing town scenic Introduction
"Well bawl Oh mile Feng Jing, Shanghai southwest portal, located southwest of Shanghai, Shanghai's first "Chinese historical and cultural town." She is the national AAAA level scenic spots, one of eight new Shanghai.
Feng Jing is a typical southern water town. She only has a small bridge, water, people are warm, elegant and charming; but also covers the kind of Jiangnan Sha stream, fishing night singing simple nostalgia.Patches of green tiles treasure Song, Yuan has a string of mysterious stories, lumps of stone covered with more than a thousand years of history that Yue culture. Jinshan peasant painting depicting engraved heart crystallization of labor and art. Under liuyin poetry and painting and even make you enlightened. This is: downtown leaves through quiet place.How much pressure Jiangnan King Township.
Fengjing town's main attractions: the Shanghai area the only relatively complete a Modern fire department site of the Eastern Fire political will, painter Cheng Shifa's ancestral home peasant paintings family hall , the country's largest " badges Collection "and the Shanghai area to preserve the most complete " people's communes site , "as well as air-raid shelter , with Water features collections of folk culture - three hundred garden basket Museum of hundred, a hundred lights Museum, Museum of hundred lines, the most prestigious contemporary cartoonist Ding Cong cartoon gallery , maple Jing Shi Temple Taoist culture and so unique.
Tickets: Fengjing town 50 yuan / person;
Fengjing tourist traffic :
Feng Jing, convenient transportation, the Shanghai-Hangzhou Railway, Shanghai -Kunming Expressway, 320 State Road, Kingswood, A7 speed have been Fengjing, from Shanghai city, Hangzhou , Suzhou , Ningbo, just one , two hours drive away from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport , Pudong International Airport were just half an hour and an hour's drive.
By car: Shanghai -Kunming high-speed G60 under Fengjing exit toll station to open signs along about 500 meters to reach the scenic old town, parked to the ancient town of St. Paul at (main entrance) parking.
Bus: Shanghai subway downtown Jinjiang Amusement Park next station, to the left-hand exit southwest bus station "Maple Plum Line" bus (full-speed 45 minutes drive ) directly to Fengjing archway station alight .
Scenic Tel: 021-57355555    
Fengjing town scenic Address: Jinshan District of Shanghai Feng Ting Feng Jing Town Road 8588, Lane on the 10th

Est National Forest Park Shanghai China

Est National Forest Park is located in Shanghai Yangpu District, has an area of 1965 acres, trees 300million trees, is the only one in Shanghai downtown forest park landscape features. A total of Aomori Park with its "natural, rustic charm, tranquility, rough," the characteristics of forest landscape and colorful cultural activities, rich woods and perfect conference entertainment resort facilities for the public will be able to create an urban area not enjoy the natural wild scenery integrated resort. Shanghai est Forest Park since 1997 was named "Shanghai Civilization", "Shanghai beautiful new attraction," "Shanghai five-star Park" in 2003 was named "national AAAA level scenic spots (area)" 2005 was named "national forest park." 
Address: Military Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, 2000 
Zip: 200438 
Tel: 021-65328194 
traffic: 124 Road, 147 Road, 102 Road
   Metro Line 8 Xiangyin Station Road, turn 102
   Metro Line 4 Helen Road Station and transfer to 147 road 
car: Central Man Star Road exit straight 400 meters

Jiangnan Sanmin Culture Village Shanghai China

Jiangnan Sanmin Culture Village is located in north-central Chongming, cultural convergence, Shueisiou Delicate, with pavilions and more famous. Area to the traditional folk, folk, ethnic and cultural elements theme Jiangnan region, non-material cultural heritage mining, display and transmission of an important base. Chongming four characteristics of the Chinese pavilion underwater, Chongming homespun museum, San Min galleries, museums and fifty-six Chongming longevity articles Pavilion Jiangnan representative, financial knowledge, cultural, historical, interesting as a whole. Now set to become youth science education, team activities, cultural shows and eco-tourism as one of the national AAA-level scenic spots and cultural industry.
Cultural village's greatest treasures "Chinese Dragon", with projection and three-dimensional animation at up to 40 meters underwater wall painting, art history vividly demonstrated for thousands of years, Chinese people's love and the Yangtze dragon dragon origin. Entity dragon total length of 36 meters, the Interfax 5000, symbolizing the 5,000 years of Chinese culture, Interfax material is dating back 50 years to 500 years old carved panels, highly ornamental value .

Address: 2201 Highway Shanghai wind   

Tel: 021-59649400    
Fax: 021-59649490 

Malu Grape Park Shanghai China

Malu Grape Park was established in March 2005, in "Grapes of Rural China" - Malu Town, Jiading District, covering 500 acres, the park has more than 100 grape varieties, there are including grape science park, science museum, children Paradise, welcome garden, picking Park and other attractions, including six large grape, set grape research, demonstration, training and leisure in one ; has won the national agricultural tourism demonstration sites, the state 3A class tourist attractions, the National Science Education Base Honor .

Opening hours: May 1 - October the 7th morning 8: 00-17: 00
Address: Malu Town Dodge Road 29; Tel: 021-59511816

A. Sea beltway (G1501) --- Liu Xiang highway exit - turn right Dazhi Road to grape theme park.
B Shanghai-Jiading Expressway (S5 - Malu --- Baoan Road exit, turn left, turn right to go Liu Xiang Road - Dodge Road, turn right to the grape theme park.

Public transit
Metro Line 11 Malu (town) - Malu a ride down the road to the terminal that is.

Shanghai Port waterfront park China

Shanghai Port waterfront park located in the top three in Shanghai Pudong New Area, China Road East first, located in the mouth of the Yangtze River East China Sea, adjacent to the Pudong International Airport. Is a recent one from Shanghai sandy beach! KAB Harbor waterfront has 560 acres of water area of 10,000 square meters of prime beach; bathing beach embankment Curb use, clarification and filtration of the water filtration method is more suitable for leisure swimming, all kinds of large sandy beaches, water recreation projects, outdoor development areas, water Xiawei Island Seafood City, maritime center stage, beach tent camping, cabins with sea view villas. "Sunshine seaside" play time daily park operations and the "night sky" late games to play both periods combined with each other, complement each other, demonstrating the harbor waterfront in the top three all-round charm.

Car, driving directions:
Address: Shanghai Pudong New Area, China Road East in the first three harbor waterfront park
Bus routes: Chuansha NGS ....... three Harbour Plaza (terminal)
          Metro Line, the Far East Avenue, the taxi to make the top three in Hong Kong waterfront park (about five minutes)
         (Metro line) to Lujiazui Station, take the road lanes Cai ......three Port Plaza        (metro line six) to Deping Road Station, transfer Cai Road Line....... three Hong Kong Square
Directions: Outer Ring Road ( A2O) ..... Pudong Airport direction ......Delaware Road exit (turn around ) ...... China 
          Road (east in the end)
         Central Link ...... direction to Pudong International Airport....... Chuannanfeng highway exit ...... Huaxia Dong 
          Road (east in the end)
         Longyang ...... Long Avenue ..... Pudong Airport direction ......China Road (east in the end)
Tel: 021-68909803 / 68906300
Opening hours: 08 00 20 00